Member Portal Redesign

This ongoing redesign project will serve Medicaid health plan members across more than 30 U.S. states.

Categorized as Frontend, UI, UX

Find a Provider Redesign

This 2020/2021 project is a complete overhaul of an enterprise-wide tool for a Fortune 100 company.

Categorized as Frontend, UI, UX

Side project: PPPuppy

Just for fun, and because we have a new puppy, I decided to design an app to help with “canine bodily fluid management”. I’ll be adding to this post as I work my way through the process. User Story As a pet owner, I need to be notified when my puppy needs to pee, so… Continue reading Side project: PPPuppy

Categorized as Design, UI, UX

Find a Provider A11y Updates Project

This 2020 project focused on improving the experience of users with disabilities when they search for healthcare providers, I worked on the UX and UI of adding Accessibility Filters to my company’s Find a Provider (Doctor Search) tool.

Auth Process UX Update Project

As part of my work on the enterprise UX team, I worked to integrate a third-party authorization process into my company’s Provider Portal.

Categorized as UI, UX